The 5: Your digital design experience
1 Scan
In clinic or in lab body scans deliver exceptionally precise diagnostics for our full range of patients.
2 Plan
Our proprietary software deftly synthesizes your x-ray info, clinical requirements, and body data for a beautifully personalized design.
3 Print
3D printing is the ecological and economical future. mign is already there.
4 Wear
Fittings and digital follow-ups can be enjoyed at home, in clinic, or in lab.
5 Care
Connected support systems keep patients informed and media savvy.
design engine
Our proprietary software automates workflows
for a personalized design.
Are you driven by curiosity with a collaborative approach? Let’s work together to solve tomorrow’s problems.
Our Design Tools:
Biometric Photometric: capture the specific needs of each individual and turn them into product solutions
Generative: makes personalization efficient in both design and engineering
Additive: fuels sustainable production techniques
Got a body-centric application? Contact us to collaborate